Michael's Plan

Source Notes:

Title: Functional Relationship
Document: Functional Relationship of the Foundation and Brotherhood
Author: William S. Sadler, Jr.
Date: April 1958
Provided By: Carolyn Kendall on 12/24/2007
Copy Status: A conformed copy of original memorandum was prepared by members of the Executive Committee in 1989 and distributed in a packet to the membership. This original memorandum was in the form of carbon copies of the original, which are too faint to scan legibly. An exact duplicate of this conformed copy is attached as a PDF file.
Provenance: This memorandum was produced as a confidential memo to the Trustees, but copies were also given to Marian T. Rowley and certain other members of the Executive Committee in 1958. Copy obtained from surviving committee records.
Authentication: Personal

“A copy was given by Christy to Tom Kendall and David Elders.” Carolyn Kendall, Dec. 2007

“A copy of this 1958 Memo was given to me personally by Emma Christensen in approximately 1980-81.” David Elders, 01/02/2008